We’re inviting residents of Mount Florida aged 16+ to put themselves forward to join the Community Council.

As a Community Councillor, you’ll join thousands across Scotland who act as representatives for local interests.
You may be interested in supporting one of our existing projects, such as Hampden events, regeneration of Letherby Triangle, Big Lunch, road safety or parking. Or you may be seeking a platform to pursue a passion of yours. Or you may simply want to get more involved with local life.
Four vacancies out of 12 places have opened up due to changing personal circumstances.
You’re eligible if you are aged 16 or over, and are on the electoral roll at an address in the Mount Florida CC boundary (which extends east to Aikenhead Road and south to Kings Park Avenue).
Print, complete and return the first page of this nomination form (pdf) by Friday 17th May. You need any two other Mount Florida residents to indicate their support for you.