We have learnt from residents in the last few days that Mount Florida Bowling Club is facing an imminent threat of closure due to ‘lack of members’.
We were entirely unaware that there was a serious problem and we are concerned that this valuable green space and (apparently under-used) community leisure facility may be lost.
A large number of nearby residents having applied to join and are seeking a dialogue with the club about building a sustainable future.
Residents will be meeting to consider ways to support the club this Wednesday 30th January at 7.30 in the Clockwork Pub. All welcome.
Membership fees for the 2019 season are understood to be around £200, and half price for new members for the first year (less than £2 per week). To apply to join, print the form (2 on this pdf) and complete one of the forms per person (anyone can nominate and second you) and put it without payment in the letter box on Carmunnock Road.
The Evening Times story here incorrectly states that the Community Council has taken action – it hasn’t, its purely the action of residents (so far!)
What do you think about this story? Let us know in the comments below or by email.
Chris Thanks for Chairing the meeting last night. I as I said to Christopher Bryant am happy to be involved in any way helpful. I am the resident at 1 Third Avenue.