Our long running project, started in 2014, to develop a civic space at Letherby Triangle is nearing an important milestone with the submission of the planning application. We’d like to ask you to take a look and make a comment – whether ‘support’, ‘object’ or ‘neutral’. At our request, the period for public comments has been extended to 4th February.
Here is a brief summary:
- the rationale for the project is to create an accessible, attractive space for regular public use, to address pedestrian safety concerns and improve the image of Mount Florida.
- Hundreds of local people have contributed to the design through workshops and consultations since 2016.
- Features are provided for play, seating, cycle racks, improved lighting and more greenery. The cherry blossom trees are retained.
- The design centrepiece is the ‘Mount Florida Staircase’ which echoes tenement stairs and includes terrazzo material. It will provide seating, covered seating and performance space for events. (Its a stairway up to the cherry blossom = Mount Florida, geddit?!).
- Carmunnock Road will be closed at the junction with Cathcart. Parking will be relocated to Cathcart Road with provision for deliveries to flats and shops through drop bollards and a delivery waiting bay.
We’ve tried our best to make this planning application as accessible as possible. There are several necessary technical documents but you may find it easier to start with the Design Statement which, due to file size restrictions, is broken up into four parts. This document explains the design rationale, the features included and information on consultation that we have carried out. Follow this link, click ‘Documents’ and scroll down.

To make a comment through the portal (saves the council time and money), you need to register for an account. If that defeats you then you can send an email to Planning.Representations@glasgow.gov.uk referring to application 20/03067/FUL.
Please comment by 4th February.
Join Us!
We need new members to carry on the work with Letherby, Hampden, dealing with other planning applications and all the other work we do representing residents of Mount Florida and west Kings Park. We are also developing plans for a new ‘Liveable Neighbourhood’ project addressing everything from air pollution to cleaner and safer streets.
But we can’t do it without more people joining us and taking on some responsibility. We’d ask you to attend most of the 10 meetings we hold each year and take responsibility for one part of one of our projects according to your interests. Please get in touch if you would like to find out more. Email us at moflococo@gmail.com
I support this. Great opportunity to create a space for community.
I support this, it looks lovely. Great future planning for our community. It will need some protection from vandalism during Hampden Football games though. Always loads of alcoholic & food refuse after Hampden events around this area.
Looks lovely. Great community planning.