There are 12 places on Mount Florida Community Council with 3 currently vacant. There are also a number of volunteers who help out from time to time. If you would like to get involved, why not come along to our next meeting?

Judith Pollock – Chair
I moved to Mount Florida in 2000 and joined the community council in 2017, although I had been involved in projects before that. In 2018, I became the Treasurer and became the Chair in 2021. I have been heavily involved in the Letherby Triangle project since before I was a member of the community council. I work from home so am often wandering around our local shops.

Janet MacDonald – Minute Secretary
I’ve lived in Mount Flo since 1988, have been a Community Councillor since 2006, and minute secretary since 2011. I joined because I wanted to be more involved in the local community – my work and most of my interests were outside of the local area

Natasha Visser – Secretary

Robbie Warringham – Treasurer

Amber Mohammed – Hampden Liaison

Paddy Smith – Langside Area Partnership Representative
I moved to Mount Florida in 2021 and was keen to get involved in the local community and meet new some new friends along the way. I recently helped organise the Mount Florida Big Picnic and have begun attending quarterly meetings of the Langside Area Partnership.
Other Members

Chris Carus
I moved to Mount Florida in 2011 and immediately wanted to get involved with this great community. I was chair of the Community Council from 2011 until 2021

Robert Pollock
I’ve lived in MoFlo since 2000 and have been on the Community Council on a couple of occasions since 2004. I love living here and I think it is getting even better in terms of local services and community spirit.

Cassandra McLuckie
I moved to Mount Florida in November 2021 from Fife. I joined the community council because I wanted to get to know my local area better and contribute – it’s been a great way to learn more about local decision making and meet friendly local folk!